About Me
I am an Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellow at NTU Singapore doing research on the mathematics of machine learning.
My mentor is Juan-Pablo Ortega.
I obtained my doctoral degree from ETH Zurich in March 2023.
My doctoral advisors were Patrick Cheridito and Arnulf Jentzen.
NTU Singapore, SPMS-MAS-05-32, 21 Nanyang Link, 637371 Singapore
florian [dot] rossmannek [at] ntu [dot] edu [dot] sg
Research Interest
I work on the mathematical foundation of machine learning, with a recent focus on a dynamical/time-series context.
I am particularly interested in dynamical and stochastic properties of state-space systems, which provide a general modeling framework.
Prior to that, I worked on approximation and optimization problems in (static) neural network theory.
Research Articles
Expand the tabs below for a complete list of my publications and preprints.
See also my Google Scholar profile here
and my ORCID records here .
- Gradient descent provably escapes saddle points in the training of shallow ReLU networks (with P. Cheridito and A. Jentzen), J. Optim. Theory Appl., vol 203 (2024) [journal version, arXiv]
- Landscape analysis for shallow neural networks: complete classification of critical points for affine target functions (with P. Cheridito and A. Jentzen), J. Nonlinear Sci., vol 32, 64 (2022) [journal version, arXiv]
- A proof of convergence for gradient descent in the training of artificial neural networks for constant target functions (with P. Cheridito, A. Jentzen, and A. Riekert), J. Complexity, vol 72 (2022) [journal version, arXiv]
- Non-convergence of stochastic gradient descent in the training of deep neural networks (with P. Cheridito and A. Jentzen), J. Complexity, vol 64 (2021) [journal version, arXiv]
- Efficient approximation of high-dimensional functions with neural networks (with P. Cheridito and A. Jentzen), IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Syst., vol 33, no. 7 (2022) [journal version, arXiv]
- Fading memory and the convolution theorem (with J-P. Ortega) (2024) [arXiv]
- State-Space Systems as Dynamic Generative Models (with J-P. Ortega) (2024) [arXiv]
- Efficient Sobolev approximation of linear parabolic PDEs in high dimensions (with P. Cheridito) (2023) [arXiv]
- An exercise in combinatorics: Christmas Stars (2021) [link]
- PhD thesis: The curse of dimensionality and gradient-based training of neural networks: shrinking the gap between theory and applications (2023) [link]
- MSc thesis: Magnetic and Exotic Anosov Hamiltonian Structures (2019) [link]
- MSc project: Currents in Geometry and Analysis (2019) [link]
- MSc project: The Moduli Space of Hyperbolic Surfaces, Analytic Teichmüller Theory, and the Pants Graph (2018) [link]
- BSc thesis: An Introduction to Complex Dynamics and the Mandelbrot Set (2017) [link]
- 2024, International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations (SciCADE), Minisymposium on Geometric and Multiscale Methods for High-Dimensional Dynamics
Seminars and Workshops
- 2024, ETH Zurich, Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
- 2024, NTU Singapore, Mini-Workshop on Machine Learning Theory and Methodology
- 2024, NTU Singapore, Workshop on Geometrically Guided Analysis and Design in Optimization and Control
- 2023, ETH Zurich, Stochastic Finance Group Seminar
- 2021, ETH Zurich, Post/Doctoral Seminar in Mathematical Finance
At ETH Zurich, I was involved with various courses as a teaching assistant or coordinator.
Expand the tab below for a complete list of courses.
- Fall 2022: coordinator for Mathematics I (D-BIOL/CHAB/HEST)
- Spring 2022: coordinator for Probability and Statistics (D-MATH)
- Spring 2021: coordinator for Mathematics II (D-BIOL/CHAB/HEST)
- Fall 2019: co-organizer of an undergraduate seminar on machine learning (D-MATH)
- Fall 2018: teaching assistant for Analysis I (D-MATH)
- Fall 2017: teaching assistant for Algorithms and Complexity (D-INFK)
- Spring 2017: teaching assistant for Topology (D-MATH)
- Fall 2016: teaching assistant for Algorithms and Complexity (D-INFK)